Sunday, November 14, 2010

November 14

Alisa Golden has a new book coming out in 2011 and has begun a blog as of today.  Here is the URL

Monday, November 8, 2010

Some exciting samples of Virginia's books

Link to article by Emily Marks

Emily sent me an email about a papermaking workshop she took in October.  Here is the link.

An organization you might want to know about

Here is the URL for the National Guild of Book Workers.

I just learned of its existence and thought you should know too.

Saturday, November 6, 2010

First Post

We had an outstanding session today with Kris teaching us 3 different small books with pamphlet stitches.

I want to remind everyone that Marin Moca will be having its Second annual Altered Book Show to Benefit the Museum.  The prospectus will be available in early January.

Two little books are tucked into two of the pockets on the front of the primary book.